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Step 1 - Review the Design Brief

The first step in the creative process is to review the clients brief. This step is critical since in order to gather as much information as possible about the client, the company, and their project expectations. The creative brief is the foundation of the project, and it will significantly affect the following steps. It will always be used as a reference point to ensure the designs meet the requirements. The goal is to solve the brief.


Step 2 - Research and Discovery

The research is step is crucial to learn as much as possible about your business, the industry and your competitors. This way we can give you the most unique design solution possible. It helps sync ideas together to answer the brief. In order to become more engaged with the client’s needs it is essential to look at:

  • Understanding the business

  • Target demographic (age, gender, location)

  • History & culture of the brand

  • Understanding the brand value and vision

  • The client's industry and main competitors


Step 3 - Brainstorm and Sketch Concepts

​This is where all the ideas are pulled together. Hand drawing design elements assists with the digital production of the design. We create different concepts and sketch out as many ideas as possible, choosing the ones that will suit your needs the most. We create images, illustrations and test various typefaces all whilst keeping your requirements and goals in mind.


Step 4 - Build On Your Concepts

For logo/brand work, at least 5 different initial concepts are developed digitally based on the information and requirements you have given us. You’ll have opportunity to review all concepts and provide feedback. We then execute the necessary revisions to develop the designs further.


Step 5 - Evolve and Iterate Your Concept

During the next stage more attention is given to the chosen concept(s). In some cases, clients combine elements of a few initial designs to create a final product they’re happy with. We then present a second round of revisions.


Step 6 - Sign off & Deliver

Final tweaks will be made and the final design will then be completed and presented. Once everything is approved and signed off, the final files are sent out to you in all required formats.





Step 3


& Sketch

Step 4

Build your


& Present

Step 5

Evolve &

Iterate Your


Step 6

Sign Off

& Deliver

Step 2

Research &


Step 1

Review the

Design Brief

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